More about me

My approach to therapy
I am a solution-orientated therapist who aims to assist my clients in finding the best and most effective solution to their problem.  I believe that people are resilient and are able to overcome challenges. I also believe that we all have within ourselves an inner strength that fortifies us in dealing with challenges. One of my aims in therapy and counseling are to help my clients connect with their inner strength and resilience to make them stronger. In keeping with my interest in Positive Psychology, I like to ask the question: “What is right with you?” I am of the firm opinion that people can change and make change happen in their lives.  My role as psychologist is to be a facilitator of that change, helping my clients to implement any changes effectively.

My educational background

Ph.D Psychology (Counselling)(NWU)
M.Sc Psychology (Counselling) (NWU) (Cum Laude);
B.Sc Hons (Psychology) (NWU);
B.Sc Psychology & Physiology (NWU)

HPCSA reg nr: PS0108162

Practice nr: 0355860

I work eclectically from a Person-centered perspective. I am trained in and use a variety of treatment modalities, including the following:

  • Brainspotting Level 1
  • BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (Advanced Practitioner)
    • BWRT Level 1 – General Psychopathology
    • BWRT Level 2 – Psychology of Identity and Behaviour
  • Clinical Hypnosis through South African Society of Clinical Hypnosis (SASCH)
  • Ego-State Therapy (Intermediate level) and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy (Intermediate level) through SASCH and Milton H. Erickson Institute of South Africa (MEISA).  
  • Eye-Movement Integration (EMI).
  • Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Transactional Analysis
  • I have a special interest in Positive Psychology, which reminds us that psychology is more than just the study of pathology but also the study of human strengths and virtues.  

I tailor-make my therapeutic approach to suit each client in order to address my clients’ unique needs and circumstances. Therapy and counselling is never a “one size fits all” approach. I see my clients as the experts of their lives and myself as the expert in my techniques.  I believe that when I and my clients bring our expertise together, it will make therapy and counselling a rewarding and fruitful experience.